Once a homa was performed by Naradhar and other Devas. During the chanting of the mantras one of the pundits uttered a wrong sound which was not there in any of the known languages. This resonated and as a reason out of the pyre came a ram which started attacking everybody around. The Devas rushed to Kailash were they saw Muruga playing with his brothers. They requested Him to help them and Muruga sent Veerabahu, the eldest among his nine younger brothers to tame the ram.
The Devas did not have much hope on Veerabahu as they themselves could not do much with the ram. By then the ram had gone to Brahma's abode and started destroying things. Veerabahu caught it by its horns and tamed it. He then dragged it to Muruga. Muruga sat on the ram and made it his vehicle instead of harming it. Through out Kandhapuranam one will see such incidents where the Lord forgives His enemies and changes them into some other form and keeps it with Him. The ram which generally stands for ignorance and foolishness was able to shed them and attain knowledge once it became a devotee of Lord Muruga who resembles knowledge.
End of Chapter